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Foster Parent Rights

The Foster Parent Bill of Rights

Oregon Foster Parents Association

This organization's mission is to improve the quality of the foster care system.  They also protect and defend the rights of foster parents.  Visit for more information.

Foster Care Omsudsman

The office of the Foster Care Omsbudsman is an independent resource to investigate complaints, concerns or violations of rights for children in the custody of DHS care.  Since most concerns impact both foster parent and child, this is a good resource for foster parents who feel their needs are not being met through DHS.  Call 1-855-840-6036.

Foster Parent Handbook

This handbook is being made available to foster parents in Oregon to provide quick and easy access to important information. Certain pages are specific to your community. To keep current, updated replacement pages will be distributed as needed.

CPS Assessment Brochure

The Oregon Department of Human Services, Child Welfare must investigate reports of abuse. This pamphlet answers questions you may have about a Child Protective Services (CPS) assessment of  a certified foster parent or relative caregiver.  This pamphlet tells us our rights during an assessment.  We have local Consultants that are free of charge to Foster Parents going through an assessment. Please click the button below to contact us if you are in need of assistance.

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